Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Gee, Mail ! -The 500 lb Gorilla on Yahoo's Back

Well, Looks like GMail is REALLY Taking off. How many of you have been to GMail Swap Yet? It's getting almost rediculous.
Some really neat offers for GMail accounts. Everything from Post Cards to Web Design to Domain Name Hosting.
With the same spirit, I'm going to leave 1 (One) GMail account invite hidden somewhere in my blog tonight. :) I'm going to leave it up until someone finds it. Should be interesting what happens.
If/when you find it, E-mail me or leave a comment letting me know how you found out that it was here, and if you found it right away, or you had to dig to find it. And PLEASE, I beg, send me a picture of yourself that I can post here. Preferably one with the invite (printed, or on a monitor next to or behind you) in the picture.
Have fun!

Don't forget to click on the ads on the right:) You never know.

posted by Tony at 7:53 PM |


Commented by Anonymous Anonymous:

check your mail

10:43 PM 

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