Monday, September 27, 2004

Shallow waters in the Blogger Sea

I've been surfing the blogs this morning and noticed something. People are putting code in their blog to change the way my Mouse Pointer looks! (You guys/gals, if I wanted to change my pointer, I can do it myself. K?)
Not to mention some of them are totally un-intelligible. Mirrored lettering, bad grammar (wich I can put up with, seeing that some bloggers are just kids) and the dreaded CAPS LOCK KEY seeming to be dis-functional. :)
Well. Who am I to say these are Bad Blogs? Hell, as far as some people are concerned, I have a bad blog. This is the net, and people are entitled to their own opinion. I just hope I don't see any more drag queens and transexual porn blogs. Jeesh. That's Got to be the worst the blogging world can come up with.

posted by Tony at 7:54 AM |


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