Friday, October 08, 2004

The Ten Commandments of Blogging (or, my rules of blog-reading and how they apply to me)

I've been reading through oh, I'd guess about a hundred different blogs since yesterday about this time (9:03 CDT) and I've found site that range from Really Great, to really sucky, to the downright Detestable.
So, I've decided to adopt some rules about my blog-reading habits (let's see if I can stick to them:).
1. A blog that has a title that starts with the words "My Life" will get two seconds before I click "Next Blog" unless it it has something that really catches my eye.
2. Blogs that use the + pointers that replace my default mouse pointer will IMMEDIATELY be deemed as unviewable and I will go to the next blog.
3. If I see a picture of three oriental kids holding a basket-ball, NEXT BLOG. (note, I've see that photo on 5 or six different blogs and I'm tired of looking at it)

4. Cross-Dresser's blogs will be skipped, unless they have something witty in the first line of their blog. It's not that I'm against cross-dressers, just don't get into it.
5. Commercial blogs. The "Info-mercial" blogs, where people decide to post Multi-level-Marketing (MLM) content, or strickly business blogs, NEXT BLOG.
6. Weird Sexual blogs. I think this goes without saying, except that I think most of us are getting annoyed at the weirdo's out there who are posting pics of people doing things with objects, animals, or hermaphrodites. NEXT BLOG.

7. Thou Shalt Not -post something that condemns me to hell for being the way I am. Screw you guys, just who the hell appointed YOU God? I think the Big Guy is probably getting pissed at YOU for making Him (God) look bad to those who really could use His Help!
8. Lack of originality. Any site that has nothing but links to OTHER sites, NEXT BLOG.
9. Bad grammar. I'm an American, and was brought up to use real words, real punctuation, and correct spelling -as much as possible.
(sO win i FInda sIt dat lOkz lIk Diss ), I Click NEXT BLOG.
10. Soap Opera Fansites. Look, you people have places to go, things to do? Don't you have some thoughts about something that is even interesting to You? Maybe you could get political, or comment about how your best friend has dyed her hair pink, and your menses is really pissing you off, or some guy bashed you for writing about your site because you don't write anything except what happened today on your favorite soaps. Damn that guy!

posted by Tony at 7:02 AM |


Commented by Blogger LFK:

I feel confident that my movie blog didn't violate any of your major commandments. In answer to the question that you posed on my "review" of Fellowship of the Ring, Sean Bean is the man who plays Boromir. You may also recognize him a 006 in GoldenEye, Partridge in Equilibrium, and Commander Sharp on Sharp's Rifles.

3:51 PM 
Commented by Blogger Rich Rosenthal II:

Music. Anyone who has music attatched to their page.

9:42 AM 
Commented by Blogger Unknown:

Yes, I HATE those blogs with the + cursor (usually accompanied by some HUGE anime pic of scantily clad female.

I also hate the "I really love you" or "You really hurt me" blogs with the cheesy pop love song playing - Next Blog!!!

Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm glad you liked it. Stop by again!


2:25 PM 

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