Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Ask Questions Get Answers!!

Ask Questions Get Answers!!
Everyone, go to this guy's site and let him know how welcome he is here in bloggerspace! He seems like a nice person, misled perhaps, but nice. The site's not bad, has some links to some decent stuff for blogging.

posted by Tony at 11:13 AM |


Commented by Blogger uway:

well i was surprised to see my title on your page so thank you, your the first to acknowledge my exsitance in the blogger world. i was wondering how am i misled?? your right about new to the blogging world but ive been technicaly if i was a fool with html i would had a blog back in 96 when geocities first came about..but this blogging thing is addictive its like it runs its self almost. one question are you into that new ipodder?? if you are what feeds to use?? well that was 2 of them..

4:22 PM 
Commented by Blogger Tony:

On the first thing you said; You're entirely welcome. I beleive Every blogger out there needs recognition. By reading your site, I beleive I've only been blogging about a week longer than you, so I really know how hard it can be to get traffic going. AND, you have some original stuff there that I've not seen anywhere else. :) (Software- read my archives "Software" and "Software Again")
As for being misled, that was pointed towards the post on your site titled "People Are Scaming on blogs!!! . Yes, there are scams, but I felt as if this were aimed at my Other site "iPod Dance Line" since you made a post there (on iPod Dance Line *my site*) and then posted the "People are Scamming on blogs" on your site, I took that personally. Especially since it was written so close to the time you posted a comment on my iPods Dance Line site.
The last part of your post asked if I am into the iPodder- YES! I am Deadly serious about me, and as many other people as I can help, get a Free iPod! The iPod Dance Line Page is going to be maintained as long as there are people who want to sign up for a free iPod, or until the fine folks at Blogger let me run it, that is.
I seriously wish you would get in on it (FreeiPods deal). Just Google the term "FreeiPod" and you'll see a number of pages (good And bad). But I'm a beleiver in and . These folks don't publish heresay, they only deal out facts. And the fact is, they (as do a number of internet news sites) report that is for real. Yes, there really is such a thing as a "Free Lunch" here. Just visit and,2125,64614,00.html , you'll see the how's and why's. Don't take my word, go look for yourself.

I really hope traffic takes off on your site, and that you keep adding more interesting content. It looks promising. (one hint; lose the color scheme- Almost makes my head spin;)
Ok, Take care- Talk to you later.
Tony Huddleston

5:39 PM 

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