Wednesday, October 13, 2004

A little something to read while I have a brain-fart

First, I need to thank a couple of folks for helping me out with creative ideas and such. They may not know it, but I love their blogs, whether it be the look, content -whatever. They've inspired me to hang in here with all you cats and have some fun while I'm at it.

The first person I'd like to mention is Ekupes, he has a great blog (even if he rants a lot:) and he's a very interesting person.
He let me do a little artwork for him and now has it displayed proudly on his blogs, "Convoluted Insanity" and "Convoluted Perceptions", the latter I'm really starting to enjoy.
Keep up the good work Ekupes!

Another fine blogger is "MyEvilTwin". Visit her site sometime and you'll know why I adore her. She has a lot of talent. Not only that, but she's a very nice person and has a nice prose to her writing. I check her site almost daily, even though it seems that she posts only about twice a week or so.

There are way too many to mention in this post who've influenced my blog, but the links are in here, down below.

I'm so glad that a few of you have left some really nice comments here. I promise, if you like the content so far, just stay tuned. I'm just starting this thing, and it's all uphill from here.
Thanks again -to those I've mentioned, and all of you who read Memoirs !
God Bless You All...
Visit my other site by clicking Here.


posted by Tony at 9:42 PM |


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