Man, I hate beating a dead horse as much as anyone else, but I'd REALLY love to get an iPod for Christmas!
I'd posted a link to signup at a long time ago, and had lots of people clicking the link and creating accounts there, but only four ever went through with completing an offer there. :(
So I'm asking- Just One Person- to go to using
my personal referral link and completing just One Offer- I'd pay someone to do it... I have a Paypal account and would gladly pay $10.00, or maybe more- if someone would just
click this link , sign up and Complete just One- Just ONE offer- And stay with it for a month- or at least 3 weeks.
Do I sound pathetic? I do... But I don't apologize for this blatant smathering of referral links. I JUST DON'T HAVE the cash needed to actually BUY an iPod. :(
I work my ass off, and provide for my kid and ex-wife so THEY can have a decent life... So I don't have much of one for myself.
I know- Would I like some Cheese with my Whine? No thanks- give me gas.
So, If you're in a giving mood this Christmas, or if you want to make a quick $10.00, Sign up using this link You can email me if you want the cash, I check my email everyday and reply to as many as I can. And I will reply to anyone interested in
Thanks in advance to all the givers (or just plain old "Thanks EVERYONE!")