Saturday, October 02, 2004

Here's a site that's not for the faint of hear... Or is it?

Ok, so it's not that bad. But I liked it and thought I'd share it with those of you who come here. The blogger that wrote it is looking for some positive feedback. Go there and leave some. It's a nice work in progress. Here's the URL

posted by Tony at 11:28 PM | 1 comments

Software- Again

Earlier this week, I listed some of the software I use ( and recommend). For those who don't want to scroll down, here's the list ;

1. Mozilla Firefox for web browsing.
2. GMail for Web-based e-mail.
3. Mozilla Thunderbird for client e-mail.
4. Operating System -If you MUST use Windows, then by all means, use Windows XP SP2. Otherwise, I recommend Linux, or Unix, or even Mac.

That's the list as I wrote it. Here's some more software I use daily.

5. AVG Anti-Virus - One of the BEST antivirus software packages in the world. (imoho). And it's FREE!
6. Blogger.Com - Web Blogging.
7. Hello - Blog Publishing software (Free)
8. Picassa -Photo organization software.
9. Yahoo Instant Messenger.
10.Cute PDF -FREE PDF Maker -(PDF = Portable Document Format)

Didn't see your favorite software? Leave a comment and tell Me what software You use. Tell me Why you use it and why you like it.

posted by Tony at 9:48 PM | 3 comments

Artwork by Jerrie Yehling

Artwork by Jerrie Yehling Want to see some nice artwork? Check out this blog. TheLawnMowerMan

posted by Tony at 9:34 AM | 0 comments

Friday, October 01, 2004

My Pulpit: The Race Card

My Pulpit: The Race Card -This is a good commentary on the politics going on in the last 24 hours since the debate between the President and John Kerry. (Kerry, "spew") I guess we now know who I'm voting for, eh?

posted by Tony at 2:05 PM | 0 comments

Photo's Please

I want to make you an offer. Think of three photos that you think are interesting, it doesn't matter what (as long as it's not too racey), your cat, your car, stereo, your lawn, a mountain-scape -whatever you like. Send them to me at and I'll take a few per day and post them.
Let's see what turns up... :)
Take care,

posted by Tony at 1:47 PM | 0 comments

Get That GMail !

It's time again to "Get That GMail" !
Once again, hidden in this blog, somewhere- lies a GMail Invitation link. This is not fake. A Real GMail Invite link.
Just look around carefully and you'll find it.
Today, I'm going to leave it up -even after it gets used- just so that people know that it really Was there.
To the potential finder of this GMail Invite link -I need you to send me an e-mail at the address listed in My Profile on this blog telling me who you are and please, please send a picture of yourself and permission to publish it here.
I'll take the link down at about 4:00 Central time and Publish the results.

posted by Tony at 10:29 AM | 1 comments

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Gift Wrapping -

I'm thinking of making candy bar wrappers for special occasions. Christmas, Easter, Birthdays, You name it. If you want one, let me know. We can work out a deal and make it sweet for you.:)


posted by Tony at 10:19 PM | 0 comments

Convoluted Perceptions

Convoluted Perceptions Well folks, Ekupics, the author of the blog "Convoluted Insanity" Has a new site now. "Convoluted Perceptions" is an excellent site if you like good photography. Of course, I'm a big Ekupes fan anyway (we have similar taste in arts and entertainment). So Go check his site out now!
Also, watch for tonight's "Get that GMail" . Where one lucky person will get a GMail account just for visiting my site and looking for the correct hyperlink to an invitation to their OWN GMail Account!

posted by Tony at 3:45 PM | 0 comments

Free IPods.Com

Ok, I've signed up at Now let's see how long it takes for me to get my free IPod:)
Anyone who wants to sign up (whether to help me out, or to try this for yourself), all you need to do is to click the link below.
I haven't been spammed by them, and I don't expect you will either. (Have you figured out yet that I Hate Spam?) :)

posted by Tony at 9:24 AM | 0 comments

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

We Have a Winner!

I'll be posting the smile of the winner of tonight's "Get That GMail" contest soon!
Meanwhile, enjoy my site. And Check out the links to other blogs as well. Some of Them may be posting GMail Invites as well! But all are worthy blogs to read.
Take care.

posted by Tony at 10:59 PM | 0 comments

Gee, Mail ! -The 500 lb Gorilla on Yahoo's Back

Well, Looks like GMail is REALLY Taking off. How many of you have been to GMail Swap Yet? It's getting almost rediculous.
Some really neat offers for GMail accounts. Everything from Post Cards to Web Design to Domain Name Hosting.
With the same spirit, I'm going to leave 1 (One) GMail account invite hidden somewhere in my blog tonight. :) I'm going to leave it up until someone finds it. Should be interesting what happens.
If/when you find it, E-mail me or leave a comment letting me know how you found out that it was here, and if you found it right away, or you had to dig to find it. And PLEASE, I beg, send me a picture of yourself that I can post here. Preferably one with the invite (printed, or on a monitor next to or behind you) in the picture.
Have fun!

Don't forget to click on the ads on the right:) You never know.

posted by Tony at 7:53 PM | 1 comments

pinkmonkeybird: The coming debate

pinkmonkeybird: The coming debate A must read for politcal minds. Thoughts on the upcoming Presidential Debate.

posted by Tony at 8:36 AM | 3 comments

the T-files: Secret Asian Man

the T-files: Secret Asian Man I love this blog. Has some good content and original thoughts by the owner.

posted by Tony at 8:00 AM | 0 comments
An append to my last post: It truly has sucked to live in Florida this year. We (my family) have weathered out Tropical Storm Frances, Hurricane Ivan (aka: Crazy Ivan). The Central part of our State had Hurricanes Charley, Frances AND Ivan. Tony

posted by Tony at 6:22 AM | 1 comments

is the State where I live. Panama City lies in the Northwest (Panhandle) portion.
Posted by Hello

posted by Tony at 6:17 AM | 1 comments

Lexx And Terry in the Morning

After taking my son to school, I just love to listen to the Lexx and Terry show on the stereo. I look forward to "Drunk Bitch Friday" . They get some girl, get her to come to their studio, get her smashed off her ass, and let her be herself.
Hell, L&T alone are funny enough.:) I get them here in Panama City, Fl. on 97.7 . Leave me some feedback and let me know if/where on your tuner You get them.

posted by Tony at 6:08 AM | 0 comments

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

The Bitc* Factor

The Bitch FactorThis one deservers a look. :)

posted by Tony at 7:25 AM | 0 comments

It's all about Software!

Well, since I have this place to voice my opions and views, I thought I'd give you my thoughts on software. I'm not goint to tell you what You should use, just what I use, and how it has affected how I compute.
I Highly recommend everything on this list.

1. Web-Surfing -Mozilla Firfox
2. E-Mail -GMail -Read below to find out how to get GMail
3. E-Mail -Thunderbird E-Mail Client (Made by Mozilla)
4. Operating System -If you MUST use Windows, then by all means, use Windows XP SP2. Otherwise, I recommend Linux, or Unix, or even Mac. (Although, I'm not a Mac fan)

These are the basic necessities for using a computer nowadays. I'll publish more about software soon. A complete list (after I get some shut-eye) will be available with links to find it.

posted by Tony at 6:44 AM | 0 comments

Merv Sheppard's Transplant Network

Merv Sheppard's Transplant NetworkHere's a noteworthy cause. Take a look at this short blog.

posted by Tony at 6:40 AM | 0 comments

Monday, September 27, 2004

Just got finished working on this peice. Where do YOU think this was taken?

posted by Tony at 10:34 PM | 0 comments

I made this the other night. Took about 30 minutes. :) I love PhotoShop
Posted by Hello

posted by Tony at 7:10 PM | 0 comments
Posted by Hello

posted by Tony at 6:59 PM | 0 comments

Hey Bloggerbot

posted by Tony at 6:06 PM | 0 comments

A Resting Place

A Resting Place
The only reason I blogged this is the "Office Space" reference. But take a look anyway. Be sure to leave comments on these things if it's available.

posted by Tony at 5:56 PM | 0 comments

Facing Facts

Facing Facts
Found this to be a pretty original blog. Check it out.

posted by Tony at 5:51 PM | 0 comments

GMail -Google's Evolutionary Web-Based E-mail

I've recently received an invite to Google's GMail. I was wondering around the net and found a site called Gmail Swap and found that people are Giving GMail account invitations away ( for those of you who don't know, you can only get a GMail account by invitation only, as they are still in beta testing ) . The site's called Gmail Swap for a good reason, If you need (or want) a GMail account, you can usually find someone there offering one for a post card, a note, an e-mail, something silly (those are the one's I like), or just plain out Nothing at all.
The reason I've written about this here, is because there are poeple Paying upwards of $5.00 US on E-Bay and other auction and sales/swap websites. I find this almost ridiculous. Although, the thought of going to E-Bay and selling a few of my own has been a bit tempting to me. :)
If you want a GMail account invite, or if you want to Give one away, I HIGHLY recommend this site.

posted by Tony at 1:31 PM | 4 comments

Convoluted Insanity

posted by Tony at 8:13 AM | 0 comments

Shallow waters in the Blogger Sea

I've been surfing the blogs this morning and noticed something. People are putting code in their blog to change the way my Mouse Pointer looks! (You guys/gals, if I wanted to change my pointer, I can do it myself. K?)
Not to mention some of them are totally un-intelligible. Mirrored lettering, bad grammar (wich I can put up with, seeing that some bloggers are just kids) and the dreaded CAPS LOCK KEY seeming to be dis-functional. :)
Well. Who am I to say these are Bad Blogs? Hell, as far as some people are concerned, I have a bad blog. This is the net, and people are entitled to their own opinion. I just hope I don't see any more drag queens and transexual porn blogs. Jeesh. That's Got to be the worst the blogging world can come up with.

posted by Tony at 7:54 AM | 0 comments

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Me, my Wife and her cousin's Baby Posted by Hello

posted by Tony at 9:40 PM | 0 comments

First Entry

Ok, now a blog has been created. Man, am I good, or what? :) JK.
Seriously though, I sat up late last night hammering on someone who was spamming people and promising them a GMail invite, and I ran across this guy giving them away for some graphics work -I couldn't turn down the possibility of creating something and having it out there for others to see. So I did it.
You can check it out at . It's the graphic at the top of his page (A damn nice page with loads of nice content, if I do say so myself) .
I'll write again soon.
Suggestions? Questions? E-mail me at

posted by Tony at 2:09 PM | 1 comments
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